Error log: Memorial Ondreja Oravca OM3AU 2014

Station: OM0AST
Locator: KN09PH
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM0AST 59 001 KN09PH SN9D 59 032 JO90PD (1x)
JO90PP (67x)
CALL no log -172
OM0AST 59 002 KN09PH OM3KWM 59 028 KN08PR (1x)
KN08OS (log)
Y all -65
OM0AST 59 013 KN09PH OM3KXR 59 034 JN98UO NIL
Y -140
OM0AST 59 021 KN09PH OM6IB 59 013 KN19DB (1x)
KN19BD (15x)
CALL no log -78
OM0AST 59 024 KN09PH S59R 59 075
JN76OM Y all but NR -550
OM0AST 59 025 KN09PH KM3WDS (1x)
OM3WDF (log)
59 004 KN08WS Y all -74
OM0AST 599 034 KN09PH OM3KII 599 152 JN88UU NIL
Y -266
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 11860
Correct claimed score: 11861
Sum of lost points: -1345
Corrected score: 10516
Errors: 11.3%

Processed by lx 1.57