Error log: A1 Contest / Marconi Memorial Contest 2013 - OM stanice

Station: OM3RMY
Locator: JN88VS
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
OM3RMY 599 001 JN88VS OK2KYJ 599 029 JN89QQ NIL
Y -107
OM3RMY 599 020 JN88VS OM1QQ 599 016
JN88OD Y all but NR -82
OM3RMY 599 034 JN88VS OK2PVF 599 193
JN99JQ Y all but NR -126
OM3RMY 599 035 JN88VS YU7ACO 599 092 KN05QC NIL
Y -491
OM3RMY 599 047 JN88VS E77ZM 599 151 JN94PT (2x)
JN84PT (159x)
CALL no log -455
OM3RMY 599 058 JN88VS OK2PSC 599 107 JN89FU (2x)
JN99FU (log)
Y all -155
OM3RMY 599 074 JN88VS 9A0C 599 110 JN85AO NIL
Y -377
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 14299
Correct claimed score: 14297
Sum of lost points: -1793
Corrected score: 12504
Errors: 12.5%

Processed by lx 1.57