Error log: 1. subregional 2020

Station: OM5CM
Locator: JN87WV
Band: 144 MHz
Category: Single
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLostPH
OM5CM 59 092 JN87WV 9A1DL 59 041 JN95WF (2x)
JN85WF (39x)
CALL no log -334 #2
OM5CM 59 098 JN87WV OE8QP (1x)
OE8Q/P (84x)
59 034 JN76KO WWL no log -269 #2
OM5CM 599 110 JN87WV DA3T599 073 JO61WF DDUPEY -0
OM5CM 59 137 JN87WV OE5NNN/4 (1x)
OE5NNN/P (316x)
59 222 JN77DX CALL no log -268 #2
OM5CM 599 154 JN87WV DD5M 599 080 JN58VD (3x)
JN58VC (log)
Y all but WWLr -454 #2
OM5CM 599 175 JN87WV DA3T 599 128 JO71WF (1x)
JO71EC (log)
Y all but WWLr -398 #2
OM5CM 59 208 JN87WV OK1VDJ 59 170
JN79US Y all but NRr -262 #1
OM5CM 599 255 JN87WV OK1OA 599 036 JO70MX (1x)
JO70MO (log)
Y all but WWLr -400 #1
Description of other errors:
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 88057
Sum of lost points: -2385
Corrected score: 85672
Errors: 2.7%

Processed by lx 1.65